VI Интернационален конгрес ,,Квалитет и компетентност 2024"

Чест ни беше што бевме дел од VI Интернационален конгрес ,,Квалитет и компетентност”, во организација на МАКЛАБ и ИАРСМ, во хотел Силекс-Охрид, каде што го презентиравме нашето истражување на тема ,, Промени во физичко-хемискиот состав на суровото млеко, како резултат на зголемениот број на соматски клетки”. 


Поставуваме нови цели и ги поместуваме границите! Успешно истрчана трка од 5км на ТрчајБе, која се одржа на 22 Септември во Битола. Фала за поддршката од останатиот дел од нашиот тим 🙂

MAKLAB Training: Application of the MKC ISO/IEC 17025:2018 Standard in terms of equipment use, internal control and metrological traceability of the equipment

DVM Biljana Gagacheva, MSc microbiologist, on the 3rd of April 2024, held a lecture as part of the Training: Application of the MKC ISO/IEC 17025:2018 Standard from the aspect of equipment use, internal control and metrological traceability of equipment , with the topic: Practical experiences in meeting the requirements of the MKC ISO/IEC 17025:2018 Standard regarding equipment and its metrological traceability.

As a responsible microbiology analyst at Anima-Vet laboratory, and a long-term technical and leading assessor at the Accreditation Institute of the Republic of Macedonia, she presented her experiences regarding the equipment and its metrological traceability. 

Thanks to MAKLAB and IARSM for the invitation. 

Обука-Дигитализација во прехранбената индустрија

Учество во обука на тема Дигитализација во прехранбената индустрија, која се одржа од 27.11-28.11.2023 година, во организација на Технолошко-металуршкиот факултет во Скопје. 

Предавањата беа насочени кон дигитализацијата во прехранбената индустрија, лабораториите, производството на храна, како и иновации во прехранбената индустрија од анимални, растителни суровини, пакување на храна и сл.

Одржано предавање на тема ,,Сензорна анализа" во Биотехничкиот факултет - УКЛО, Битола

Lidija Veljanovska, MSc in Food Quality and Safety, held a lecture in the premises of the Faculty of Biotechnology in Bitola, on the subject of "Sensory Analysis". As a panel leader of the Sensory Laboratory in Anima-Vet, she expressed her experiences and knowledge to the 4th year undergraduate students of the study program Food Quality and Safety. 

Thanks to Prof. Dr. Biljana Trajkovska, for the invitation and we hope for many more successful collaborations with the Biotechnical Faculty from Bitola. 

Participation in training for MKC ISO/IEC 17025:2018

Representatives from our laboratory, on 09.10.2023, attended a training by the Macedonian Association of Laboratories and Inspection Bodies - MAKLAB, on the topic "Quality control and ensuring the validity of laboratory results according to MKC ISO/IEC 17025:2018.

The lectures were held by Prof. Dr. Mirko Prodanov and Vladimir Janevski, who stayed on the topic of quality control and validity of results in the laboratory. 

Учество во првата женска ноќна трка во Битола-,,Биди своја''

In the spirit of sports and teamwork, our Biljana Gagacheva and Lina Dimovska participated in the first women's night race of 5 km - "Bidi svoja", which took place on June 17, 2023 in Bitola. Congratulations on your success and to many more such gatherings!!

Учество во III Интернационална конференција за Технологија на храна и нутриционизам - Универзитет во Тетово

MSc. Lina Dimovska and DVM MSc. Biljana Gagacheva were participants in the 3rd International Conference on Food Technology and Nutrition, organised by the University of Tetova - Macedonia. Lina Dimovska presented the research entitled "Microbial safety of dairy products obtained from dairy stores".

Извадок од интерно списание - Bentley Hungary

20 години „Aнима-Вет“

This year, we celebrated the successful work of our company in a different way. We want to thank all our collaborators and supporters, and we wish everyone to stay healthy so that we can truly celebrate together. 

25 year anniversary Labena

We were pleased to be invited to the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Labena, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Three representatives from our laboratory were present at the all-day celebration / opening of their new laboratory for molecular diagnostics. We wish them many more successes in the future.


The students from the Department of Quality and Food Safety at the Faculty of Biotechnology - Bitola, and the high school students from the High School Josip Broz Tito - Bitola, as part of their classes, visited our laboratory where our managers presented each department separately. 


DVM Biljana Gagacheva - Responsible analyst of the Microbiology department and BSc Dimche Minchevski, were part of the training Bentley Instruments International Seminar & Eurofins Steins visit, held in Aarhus, Denmark, 07-10 November 2016.


Mag. Lidija Veljanovska - Head of the Department of Chemical Analysis of Food was part of the training for mycotoxins Analyst Workshop - Mycotoxins, by r-Biopharm held in Darmstadt, Germany from November 9-11, 2016. 


North-south 2, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia


+ 389 47 296 688
+ 389 71 288 829
