The laboratory is accredited according to the standard MKS EN ISO 17025:2018, and all the test are performed according to accredited ISO methods.

Responsible analyst - 

MSc. DVM Biljana Gagacheva

The laboratory currently has accredited several methods according to ISO standards for testing food, animal feed and swabs from work surfaces and carcasses of slaughtered animals. 

She regularly participates in interlaboratory tests and proficiency tests (PT - tests), organized by European reference laboratories.

Anima-Vet is the first private independent laboratory, which as such carries the burden of independent, impartial, responsible and conscientious work according to Macedonian and international standards.

All food business operators have a legal obligation to analyze their own production, in accordance with the rulebook of the Official Gazette of RM, no. 100, from 2013, and the producers of food for animal nutrition, in accordance with the rulebook from the Official Gazette of RM, no. 149, from 2012.


  • Detection and counting of Enterobacteriaceae - ISO 21528 - 2: 2017
  • Detection and counting of Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria spp. - 11290 - 1: 2018 and 11290 - 2: 2018
  • Count of coagulase positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species) - ISO 6888 - 2 / A1: 2008
  • Count of β - glucuronidase - positive E. coli - 16649 - 2: 2008
  • Counting of microorganisms - ISO 4833 - 2: 2013
  • Detection of Salmonella spp. - ISO 6579 - 1: 2017
  • Counting of conditionally present Bacillus cereus - ISO 7932: 2010
  • Yeast and mold counting - ISO 21527 - 1: 2008 and 21527 - 2: 2008
  • Counting of Clostridium perfringens - ISO 15213-2:2008
  • Counting of sulfite-reducing bacteria growing under anaerobic conditions - ISO 15213-1: 2008
  • Техники за земање на примероци од површини со користење на контактни плочи и брисеви – ISO 18593:2008


North-south 2, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia


+389 47 296 688
+389 71 288 829
